Engineering services for Planning of
painting plant and compressed air technology

Expert knowledge

for your success

Our service

For more than 20 years, ensutec Engineering has been offering engineering services for all aspects of painting systems and compressed air technology.

Planning of painting plant

ensutec Engineering plans your new painting plant, optimises existing painting plants and provides economic evaluations of technological alternatives.

Creation of official documents

ensutec Engineering is an expert in the preparation of environmental statements, expert opinions, authorisation procedures, environmental audits...

Improved production processes

ensutec Engineering analyses your production processes and creates concepts for improved material and energy management.

Optimised compressed air technology

ensutec Engineering offers advice on all aspects of compressed air supply: A properly functioning compression system significantly reduces costs.

Got a question? Here you will find
find first answers

Would you like to find out more about ensutec Engineering? Here, company boss Thomas Mayer answers questions that many customers have already asked him. 

ensutec - where does the name come from?

ensutec is a combination of the English terms environment and surface technologies. Translated, this means environmental and surface technologies - this is how we describe our core expertise.

Who is behind ensutec Engineering?

I, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Mayer, am the owner of ensutec Engineering in conjunction with a broad network of qualified consultants and experts. The ensutec Engineering team works together with specialists from the painting and application technology sector and can therefore always deliver the perfect solution for the various requirements of our customers.

ensutec Engineering helps with the planning of a new painting plant: Can they do it - do they have references?

Yes, we can do that. And we also have references. By way of example, I can name the companies Baisch Metall, Stadler and Drehmo. Here, ensutec Engineering carried out the planning of the new painting plant, taking into account all the associated economic and technical aspects.

Can ensutec Engineering also optimise my existing painting plant?

Absolutely! ensutec Engineering offers comprehensive process and operational optimisation for existing painting plants. We analyse the economic and technical components and prepare a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis. From my own many years of working in a production company, I am familiar with the various challenges in professional practice and can therefore analyse production processes holistically and optimise them in a user-oriented manner. 

What is behind environmental management?

When it comes to environmental protection and sustainability, the pressure on companies to act is now enormous. ensutec Engineering supports paint shops on their way to sustainable, ecological products. We take on the preparation of applications and expert reports as well as liaising with authorities. Carrying out external audits is also part of our range of services. Thanks to the cross-industry expertise of our experts, ensutec Engineering ensures that all legal requirements and standards are met and that subsidies and government grants can also be accessed in full.

Ecological and sustainable production is certainly on trend. 
But what are the concrete benefits?

We always view environmental management from the perspective of process and cost optimisation. Sustainable production does not automatically have to be more complex and expensive. ensutec Engineering can help to identify opportunities, point out possibilities and bring the two areas of economy and ecology into harmony through innovative technologies and optimised processes.

Why are you also focussing on compressed air?

Our decades of experience and our daily work show that the area of compressed air in particular is insufficiently considered in many companies. ‘We have compressed air’ is a common refrain. However, the efficiency and constant availability of compressed air can only be significantly improved through regular professional inspection of the systems, replacement of filters and wearing parts, leak detection and optimisation of process parameters. Our ensutec Engineering technicians reliably carry out the necessary maintenance and ensure that inspection intervals are adhered to.

Our big plus:
More than 20 years of experience

The driving force behind ensutec Engineering is Thomas Mayer: He set up his own consulting company for the planning and optimisation of painting systems back in 2001.

He later founded the ensutec Products GmbH, which today, with its innovative airmatic systems, ensures that painting companies can significantly reduce their material costs and at the same time achieve much better painting results.

Based on decades of experience in the planning of painting plants and in environmental and process engineering, Thomas Mayer offers solutions for customisable and environmentally friendly painting plants technology through ensutec Engineering. In the meantime, he has expanded his range of services to include the optimisation of compressed air technology.

The trade magazine provides detailed information about ensutec Engineering's services. You can find the report here.